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TerminatorREX #1

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DeniedTerminatorREX #1

by Cd5ssmffan Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:04 pm

First topic message reminder :

Hi, I've formatted the template for easier reading.

1. PB2 Username:

2. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links:

3. How long have you played PB2?:
5 years, since late 2011

4. Kills Count:

5. Deaths Count:

6. Are you currently in a clan?:

7a. What clans have you been in before?:

7b. [Optional] Do you have an approximate date about when you joined, and when you left these clans?:
I created the clan in August/September 2012. I can't remember when I disbanded it.

8. Why did you join those clans?:
I wanted to join GSA a very long time ago, but I felt It wasn't really right for me. Some of the members were extremely rude, so I wanted to join AGSA afterwards, which was supposedly anti GSA who were at war with the former or something. However, they gave me the same bad treatment.
So I created my own clan named FireStreak, and I created a huge FireStreak base for fun which includes a jail, meeting room, lots of cool stuff! I think I deleted the map because the adv level editor broke it, and I was pretty gutted. However, I got a lot of members (about 10) and a website, and we started joining GSA clan recruitment games, getting weapons and
killing everyone (most of them were guests, however). Sweet revenge lasts for about 5 minutes per game before the game master wakes up and kicks us out.

9. Do you personally know anyone in GeNo? If yes, please state them:
No, but I'll be happy to get to know everyone pirat

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?:
For a very long time I've been playing this game. I've made friends with other players and ultimately I've been looking for a clan so I would play with people, but never actually found a clan that I liked. I need people to play with, IMO, playing with friends is way better than playing alone. I look back at the past, I realise how much time I wasted. And now, in the end, as the game is almost dead, it's already too late. The game has been sucked dry and almost everyone has moved on. I'm not even sure if it's worth it to play anymore by yourself. I quit the game in 2014 for this very reason, it was becoming boring to play it on my own.

Recently I've remembered the game and come back, and yeah it looks pretty bad at its current state. So this is roughly why I'm looking for a clan once more. I've looked up a lot of clans, but most of them seem inactive except a few. I've also looked at Biohazard, but this clan seems more active, newer and looks like a great opportunity for a fresh start in PB2 (still waiting for PB2.5). So all I ask is a place where people don't treat me like shit, and to get to know cool people who I can play this game (and maybe other games) with.

11. [Critical] What can you help to contribute to GeNo?:
I am always willing to contribute in any way I can. I am great at level design, especially saw maps, which are my favourite type of maps. If anyone needs help with anything related to this field (mapping/modding in general, this includes Source, Unreal and Half-Life, game engines I've past experience with) I'd be glad to explain things and give tips.

12. [Critical] What do you believe defines a good player? What defines a bad player?:
The first, most important thing I believe is that Kdr doesn't define a player. And I'm not just saying this because I have a bad Kdr. Anyone could just be bad at the game (still learning), or enjoy playing maps where you die a lot (saws). I actually find it funny that people care a lot about Kdr, but back to the question:
I like teamplay and cooperation, so in my eyes, a good player is a player that supports their team, communicates and plays the objective properly. It doesn't matter if they fail a lot, as long as they do what they intend to do to help the team Smile

On the other hand, a bad player is someone that runs in, dies and spams '6' in chat before their body gets sliced in two so they can't get revived. Aka guests.

I would say that being well-mannered and friendly could also define a good player, and that being rude and toxic would define a bad player, but in my opinion, such qualities don't define player, they define you as a person. A good player could be an arrogant individual with a massive over-inflated ego due to high PP etc, but a bad player could also be a rational human being that you can teach what not to do in this game. For example, some people who are playing as guests or have just created an account actually listen when I tell them to stay at the back and support your team if you're not a good front-line player. And by some people, I mean 10% of them.

13. Current country/state of residence:

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?:
Personally I don't know about the forums. There isn't a place where you can just discuss topics, it's more like a recruitment agency. Unless someday I'll be testing new members I probably won't be here that often. But, I assume discussion is where discord chat comes in. I can be on at least once a day for at least an hour, taking part in interesting conversations. Most of the time I'll be playing PB2 after work. This game is great.

15. What server do you mostly play in?:
Even though it's not the closest, I play in Cali. It has at least 200 players recently active at any time

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test:
I've not been tested yet

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?:
Yes. If I ever come to represent this clan, I will make sure not to give it a bad name

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?:
Trial Member

19. Extra comments/questions if you have any...?:
I am pretty impressed by how things are run. I'm still looking around and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to answer any questions you may have Smile

IGN : TerminatorREX
Gender : Male Posts : 5
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-15
Age : 29

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by Cd5ssmffan Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:15 pm

Hi, in case you were wondering, I'll be availiable to complete my application tommorow


Posts : 5
Join Date : 2017-02-15

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by Vesper Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:10 pm

Cd5ssmffan wrote:Hi, in case you were wondering, I'll be availiable to complete my application tommorow

What is this supposed to mean?
Prestige Member

IGN : iVesperX
Gender : Male Posts : 2011
Points* : 3457
Join Date : 2015-07-29
Age : 24

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:36 pm

i think he means he will be able to answer all questions tomorrow

once he does, Voting Phase will begin (it's already delayed by a day)

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by Tugz Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:20 pm

if i could, i just have one question. if its too personal just ignore me, it's not necessary for you to tell us. though i'm curious, how old are you?
Official Member

IGN : Tugz
Gender : Female Posts : 1510
Points* : 2961
Join Date : 2015-10-08

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:47 am

Cs5ssmffam wrote:I wanted to join GSA a very long time ago, but I felt It wasn't really right for me. Some of the members were extremely rude, so I wanted to join AGSA afterwards, which was supposedly anti GSA who were at war with the former or something.
So basically you wanted to join a clan just because you hated another clan? I'm sorry but GeNo mostly likes matured members.

Else, the other parts of the application was fine.

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by CaptainSolo Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:30 am

The application will be denied tomorrow, if the applicant doesn't bother answering Members' questions.

IGN : CaptainSolo
Gender : Male Posts : 500
Points* : 450
Join Date : 2016-06-03
Age : 21
Location : Bulgaria

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

by CaptainSolo Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:48 am

Application Denied,
the applicant didn't answer the Members' questions within a week.
Reapply after a week, and try being more active.

IGN : CaptainSolo
Gender : Male Posts : 500
Points* : 450
Join Date : 2016-06-03
Age : 21
Location : Bulgaria

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DeniedRe: TerminatorREX #1

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