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Silencehunter #1

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DeniedSilencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:42 pm

1. PB2 Username: Silencehunter

2. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links:

Evildemon: No link found


3. How long have you played PB2?: At least since 3 March 2012

4. Kills Count: 5403

5. Deaths Count: 2165

6. Are you currently in a clan?: No

7a. What clans have you been in before: SyN and Ark (became KzM after a few months)

7b. [Optional] Do you have an approximate date about when you joined, and when you left these clans?:

Joind SyN on 6 oct 2015 and left around 9 jan 2016

Joind ArK (KzM) on 27 Jan 2016 and left 14 feb 2017

8. Why did you join those clans?:

SyN: I got asked by the leader too join and i never actually was in a clan before, so i was really curious to see how being in a clan would be and feel.

Reason left: I left them because i found the were more focusing on other games then pb2. Like agar and mech warrios (i think). At the time i spoke to the leader about it and she clearly stated that she wanted to focus more on agar then pb2 and that maked my decision to leave them.

Ark (KzM): Frc was a friend of mine and he asked me to join and help him building the clan

Reason left: I left because i feeled i wasn’t needed in the clan. I mean this like whenever something major changed i never knew about or if member joined i had no idea who that person was or how that person is like (take in mind i was a leader at the time) and they toke the clan ways i didn’t want it in.

9. Do you personally know anyone in GeNo? If yes, please state them:

Captainsolo: applied to ArK and I rated hes app etc and now we talk sometimes
Mingo1: sent him messages about how much hes youtube etc and we talked for a little so now and then
Fitalion: meet him in a map and since he was a dutchie we talked some
Silentkiller: same deal met him in a map and we had a good time and did some 1vs1 together with Silverbullet if I recall correctly. (he retired but I know him so idk if I should add him to this list)

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?: I always looked at GeNo with respect, in how they treat members, treat new people applying for the clan and the people I spoke to ( the people in question 9 ) always seemed very  nice and friendly towards me and myself always looked to be part of a good/friendly community. This is why I see I will fit fine with the GeNo community

11. [Critical] What can you help to contribute to GeNo?: May sound very basic but here I go: I can offer loyalty, I can make maps and give advice on how to do certain things in map making. I can respond to other people’s apps and ask questions and help them improve the app if need be. I know a little about forum stuff but I am open to learn all about to help in any way I can and i can offer help in general.

12. [Critical] What do you believe defines a good player? What defines a bad player?:

Good player: A person who shows respect to people inside his/her clan and outside of it. A player who is also nice and can help people if they need to be helped and does this is a calm and mature manner. Attitude also plays a big role for someone’s character

Bad player: A person who is immature, can’t keep his calm under situations ( as chat and gameplay ), can’t be serious when needs to be, is selfish and only doesn’t care for his/her teammates and who is harmful and hateful towards other people and intentional tries to be a d..k towards people to just hurt them.

Side note: It is really hard to judge a player like this, every player has good and bad player character in them and just under situations the player is a bad or a good one. You can say ‘wow this player is a bad player’ but maybe you need to get to know that person and then later you say ‘he/she is actually a really nice player’. This all depends on the person it is willing to change and work on it after all everyone can be a good person in someone eyes, it just depends who looks at that person.

13. Current country/state of residence: The Netherlands.

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?: Mostly every day.

15. What server do you mostly play in?: Cali server.

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test: None.

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?: Yes

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?: Member

19. Extra comments/questions if you have any...?:  Just something little about myself how I see myself as a person what may be good for you guys to know: I see myself as a nice and friendly guy who likes to help other people. I am always open for talks and such and most of the time I am calm ( of course I rage so now and then but who doesn’t :p ). This was all what I wanted to say, have a great day/night.

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Tugz Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:43 pm

Questioning Phase has begun.

What is it that differentiates us between other clans like Itami, YRN, or BoZ? More specifically, what was it that separated us from them and drew you to apply here instead.
Official Member

IGN : Tugz
Gender : Female Posts : 1510
Points* : 2961
Join Date : 2015-10-08

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:58 am

Itami i never actually knew about since recently when i was scrolling through the top 100 players and i gave a quick look on the their forums and i wasn't really impressed on how they did things.

YRN actually never came up in my head to join and to me they never seemd that active in my opnion

BoZ is in my opnion more skill focused then rather family focused and i am more looking for a family clan

what stood up about you guys was that i really senced a good family active here that is more focused on attitude then skill and as i stated earlier i always looked up to GeNo as whole by how they treat members/new people joining and i always found other clans lacked that

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Fitalion Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:00 am

Decent application, Could have been more elaborated.
Altough I have some Questions,

-How /where/when have you discovered GeNo? where/how have you heard of it?

-You left SyN because they were playing other games besides pb2, what if we did the same thing? what would you do?

-You left KzM because you felt that you weren´t needed here, what would you do it that happened here, what if GeNo isn´t what you expected?

~Good luck~


IGN : Fitalion
Posts : 200
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Join Date : 2016-12-11
Location : Home, prob

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:07 am

Silencehunt wrote:of course I rage so now and then but who doesn’t :p
is t r i g g e r e d

reading your app and previous posts on pb2 forums, you do seem like a friendly person. seeing your experience with handling apps in KzM, i think you wont have problems with this one. all the best Smile

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:51 am

Fitalion wrote:
Decent application, Could have been more elaborated.
Altough I have some Questions,

-How /where/when have you discovered GeNo? where/how have you heard of it?

-You left SyN because they were playing other games besides pb2, what if we did the same thing? what would you do?

-You left KzM because you felt that you weren´t needed here, what would you do it that happened here, what if GeNo isn´t what you expected?

~Good luck~

How: when i was officaly in SyN i wanted to see how other people rated other people apps and such since i was going to do this myself
Where: Got the forum link from a guy profile link i think years back
Where/how: Mostly ingame

I don't mind playing other games but the main reason i left was because the clan was 95% agar and maybe 5% pb2. They became fully agar mostly then pb2 and since i didnt see the fun in eating little balls to become a bigger ball i left.

I would talk it out it with the leaders/prestige and discuss in what i can do to help etc

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Shady Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:25 pm

A very nice application.
I dont have any questions i wish you the best of luck!
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
Gender : Male Posts : 130
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Age : 22
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Crumbz Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:26 pm

Meh decent application. i got no questions. Good luck

IGN : Faker
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Adebayo Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:58 pm

GeNo is basically a PB2 clan in name only. Hardly any of our members play PB2 myself not included. Judging by your application, this doesn't seem to be an environemt that you would enjoy very much, because as I said, we don't really play PB2 much.

Also: You don't seem to contribute anything that jumps out at me call it a "wow factor" if you will. Do you possess any sort of redeeming quality? Such as coding skills, video editing, software skills etc?

The app is decent but it doesn't have anything that jumps out.
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IGN : Qu1et
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Reloadium Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:32 am

Decent app no questions good luck!
Prestige Member

IGN : Reloadium
Posts : 648
Points* : 458
Join Date : 2016-10-23
Location : GeNo HQ

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:53 am

Ƈσℓυмвιηє wrote:

Also: You don't seem to contribute anything that jumps out at me call it a "wow factor" if you will. Do you possess any sort of redeeming quality? Such as coding skills, video editing, software skills etc?

Sadly not, currently i am doing a study in economics, so i dont posses any really software or coding skills.

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Styxx Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:58 pm

It's an okay app. Knowing that we play different games, will that make u change your mind on still applying to GeNo? And why?
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IGN : DaCr4zyKilla
Gender : Male Posts : 225
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Join Date : 2017-01-12
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:30 pm

A note to those who thinks he only joins for pb2 :

SilenceHunt wrote:10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?: I always looked at GeNo with respect, in how they treat members, treat new people applying for the clan and the people I spoke to ( the people in question 9 ) always seemed very  nice and friendly towards me and myself always looked to be part of a good/friendly community. This is why I see I will fit fine with the GeNo community
(No pb2 stated)

Otherwise, the application is clear and direct, and objective/points was being made clearly
Also, you stated that :
Silencehunt wrote:but I am open to learn all about to help in any way I can and i can offer help in general.
To what extend are you willing to help/learn? Some things are extremely difficult to learn/help.

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Tugz Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:52 pm

We tend to discuss a lot here on our forums, and being a more democracy based clan, it requires all members to participate for it to work well. That means, there's a fair bit of expectation for you to at least browse every now and then and give your vote/opinion. How do you feel about that?
Official Member

IGN : Tugz
Gender : Female Posts : 1510
Points* : 2961
Join Date : 2015-10-08

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Domino Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:17 am

A decent applicaton, I can understand the reason why you left ArK. That's the same reason I left it too. You guys hated me for it.
Back on topic, I like your overall attitude and I don't think there's much to complain about regarding your app.
My question is: What if GeNo switches to another game? Or people who you don't like become prestige eventhough you have put alot more effort into GeNo than him? Would that disappoint you and make you "rage"?

IGN : iDomino
Gender : Male Posts : 324
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Join Date : 2016-06-18
Age : 26
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:47 pm

DACr4zyKilla1 wrote:It's an okay app. Knowing that we play different games, will that make u change your mind on still applying to GeNo? And why?

No not at all. It was just that the old clan SyN ( the guild i think you are refering to ) was that they played games that didn't interest me and they lost their pb2 divsion and mainly focusing on agar and mech warriors. I tried talking to the leader and she was not open for reason and left me no choice to leave.

K2 Shape wrote:
To what extend are you willing to help/learn? Some things are extremely difficult to learn/help.

I will try help/learn in ways i can and if i may find it to hard/difficult i will ask for help, solving it together that way or try to discuss what else i may can do what is less hard

Tugz wrote:We tend to discuss a lot here on our forums, and being a more democracy based clan, it requires all members to participate for it to work well. That means, there's a fair bit of expectation for you to at least browse every now and then and give your vote/opinion. How do you feel about that?

I am totaly fine with giving my opnion/vote on GeNo based stuff and i want to browse and give my opnion/vote on things atleast once a day and if there is some reason why i can't be on forum i of course will tell.
Spratt wrote: A decent applicaton, I can understand the reason why you left ArK. That's the same reason I left it too. You guys hated me for it.
Back on topic, I like your overall attitude and I don't think there's much to complain about regarding your app.
My question is: What if GeNo switches to another game? Or people who you don't like become prestige eventhough you have put alot more effort into GeNo than him? Would that disappoint you and make you "rage"?

The primarily reason i left SyN ( i think the guild you are reffering to ) was because they played games that didn't interest me at all and it totaly lost it pb2 division of it and if GeNo decides to switch game then i will support that choice and see if i happen to like that game to and if i end up don't liking that game then  i am pretty sure something can be arranged with the prestige an dother members since i wouldn't be the only one don't liking that game.

I wouldn't rage about such thing since i will know the higher ups will have maked that choice with a reason. Sure i will be disapointed in that matter but i will just try and do a better job and what i meant with raging was like ingame when you don't get a kill or get killed by pb2 server delay ( like wehn you fire your gun and you see it hit the person but it doesn't do any dmg or kills the person in question cause on the other persons pc that shot never hit that is what i call the pb2 server delay)

Hope this answerd all of your questions for now and feel free to ask more:)

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:14 pm

how would you describe yourself in 3 words?

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Euro Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:22 am

what made you apply for GeNo?

IGN : Fasho
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Chrose Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:22 am

Have you been to the GeNo discord chat yet? If so, can you provide me with your discord tag?

IGN : iLioNz
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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

by Silencehunt Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:21 am

Accidently hit send instead of preview my fault^

Fasho wrote:what made you apply for GeNo?

I quote
SilenceHunt wrote:10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?: I always looked at GeNo with respect, in how they treat members, treat new people applying for the clan and the people I spoke to ( the people in question 9 ) always seemed very  nice and friendly towards me and myself always looked to be part of a good/friendly community. This is why I see I will fit fine with the GeNo community

Purple Monster wrote:how would you describe yourself in 3 words?

helpful, friendly, caring.

IGN : Silencehunter
Posts : 7
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2016-04-23

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DeniedRe: Silencehunter #1

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