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Diorama 4 #1

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DeniedDiorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:56 pm

1. PB2 Username: diorama 4

2. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links: I dont have any other accounts

3. How long have you played PB2?: I joined plazma burst 2 in 2016, maybe 2-3 months ago.

4. Kills Count: 602

5. Deaths Count: 313

6. Are you currently in a clan?: No, im not in a clan.

7a. What clans have you been in before?: Hell Hounds.

7b. [Optional] Do you have an approximate date about when you joined, and when you left these clans?: I dont remember but i joined and quit that clan in one day.

8. Why did you join those clans?: They invited me.

9. Do you know anyone in GeNo? If yes, please state them: I only know Tugz and CaptainSolo

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?: I can make maps for GeNo (example: GeNo Base, GeNo Pool etc.) and i can be active 6 times ina week. (or everyday). And i can help people about if they sad or bored. And im interested about that GeNo had only strong and professional players, i can practice myself and be one of you guys.

11. [Critical] What can you help to contribute to GeNo?: As i said i can make maps for GeNo clan. I can recruit members (example: Player123 wants to join this clan and that you guys doing voting phase and questioning phase, i would like to be in.

12. [Critical] What do you believe defines a good player? What defines a bad player?: A good player is skilled, has good map knowledge, respectful to others and not raging all the time, and usually practices himself. A bad player is not skilled, raging everytime, saying bad words (VERY BAD WORDS, BEING RACIST) when they die and kicking players for no reason (rage kick) and when they killed they rage quit.

13. Current country/state of residence: Denmark

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?: Everyday or 6 times in a week. (maybe i can be busy one day)

15. What server do you mostly play in?: USA, California (i see 2 or 3 players when i go to other servers)

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test: Im not tested.

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?: I can handle this responsibility and i promise i will not leave from clan for other clans.

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?: I read the rules when we making a application, we need 3000 kills atleast. So im applying for Trial Member.

19. Extra comments/questions if you have any...?: How long trial members stay in the clan?

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by CaptainSolo Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:09 pm

Questioning Phase has started!

Just to answer you question, Trial Members will be Trials until they got 3000 kills. Whenever a Trial Member reaches the 3000 kills becomes a Member.

IGN : CaptainSolo
Gender : Male Posts : 500
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Join Date : 2016-06-03
Age : 21
Location : Bulgaria

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:01 pm


IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by 79THUSAN Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:29 pm

GeNo isn't a skill based clan.It seems to me that one of your main reasons for joining us is mainly the fact that we have well-skilled members.Not what we are after.

Is there anything else you can contribute to GeNo?
How would you handle a conflict?

Good luck

IGN : Crystal Gemstone
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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:36 pm

I can be active everyday, and i can handle conflict with listening each other, decide what's the best, and help each other.

Also i can create maps (for practice). Like saw or parkour maps (sometimes i will make my own saws) and post them on discord or GeNo chatbox.

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Vesper Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:49 pm

What do you want to get out of GeNo and how did you locate the forums?
Prestige Member

IGN : iVesperX
Gender : Male Posts : 2011
Points* : 3457
Join Date : 2015-07-29
Age : 24

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:08 pm

What, i didnt understand... I dont want to get out of GeNo.
And i found the forums when i was interested clantage video of GeNo and i saw many players from GeNo playing in approved maps. So i decided to take a look to clan. Im invited to GeNo chat (discord) and members were active. Finally i tried to join

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Styxx Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:00 am

Diorma you joined hell hounds cause u they invited you ? That's all I mean we'll  can you at least state more like did you like it there? Any friends? Etc. Btw we don't recruit people you just apply.

Last edited by DACr4zyKilla1 on Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:03 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed sentence)
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IGN : DaCr4zyKilla
Gender : Male Posts : 225
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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Vesper Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:18 am

DiORAM4 wrote:What, i didnt understand... I dont want to get out of GeNo.

What do you want to get out of GeNo. This is asking what do you wish to gain if you're accepted into the clan. What are your personal benefits from joining.
Prestige Member

IGN : iVesperX
Gender : Male Posts : 2011
Points* : 3457
Join Date : 2015-07-29
Age : 24

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:54 am

''Diorma you joined hell hounds cause u they invited you ? That's all I mean we'll can you at least state more like did you like it there? Any friends? Etc. Btw we don't recruit people you just apply.''

Answer: Your right, i joined Hell Hounds because they invited me the clan leader was my friend and i didnt like the people in discord (hell hounds discord). So i waited more to watch them in discord, and no one was funny and talking about other things, basically i didnt like that and i quit

''What do you want to get out of GeNo. This is asking what do you wish to gain if you're accepted into the clan. What are your personal benefits from joining.

Answer: I wish to be friends with members and make them trust me that im not a traitor (like when i saw new clan i dont quit for that). And being friendly to others in discord, maps (pb2 maps), forums. So i can gain you guys trust and help each other about maps (if they need some times).

And my personal benefits is: Doing some jokes in discord (i did a joke yesterday and some of them laughed that i was so happy) being active everyday on discord and forums (also in GeNo chatbox). And i can practice everyday to do 3000 kills and be one of you guys (you guys: strong players). Because i really interested now because that players in active in forum, discord, GeNo chatbox (usually).

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Vesper Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:43 pm

You say you want to become a strong player, which implies that you presently aren't strong. But your stats on PB2 say otherwise, especially for someone to have just recently started playing the game.

What makes you think you aren't strong? And what makes you think that just because you join GeNo, you'll get any stronger?
Prestige Member

IGN : iVesperX
Gender : Male Posts : 2011
Points* : 3457
Join Date : 2015-07-29
Age : 24

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Tugz Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:56 pm

In Q10, you didn't exactly give us the answer we wanted. You gave us reasons as to why we should accept you, but not why you wanted to join. What do you see in GeNo? Why us rather than the other clans?
Official Member

IGN : Tugz
Gender : Female Posts : 1510
Points* : 2961
Join Date : 2015-10-08

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Sat Feb 04, 2017 2:09 pm

''You say you want to become a strong player, which implies that you presently aren't strong. But your stats on PB2 say otherwise, especially for someone to have just recently started playing the game.

What makes you think you aren't strong? And what makes you think that just because you join GeNo, you'll get any stronger?''

Answer: Without real, strong, and active friends (you guys, because i saw on you guys on videos, sometimes i came to washington servers to watch you and i saw Tugz, and other GeNo members so many times so i think you guys are really strong.) i dont feel strong. Because all of those clans keep invite me in clans like USF, DGK and more...... So if i join GeNo i want to join geno because i think i can handle this and trust myself.
When i was playing approved maps i see some GeNo members, and they were know some tricks. I practiced them and i can finally make some tricks like other GeNo members. And yeah as i said without real friends, active friends and strong friends i feel like a noob. And i believe i can get stronger by watching a few of your tricks and being active makes me stronger. And i didnt forget that you guys makes me laugh so much in discord.

''In Q10, you didn't exactly give us the answer we wanted. You gave us reasons as to why we should accept you, but not why you wanted to join. What do you see in GeNo? Why us rather than the other clans?''

Answer: I see powerful members, non-stop fun in discord of GeNo, no rage quits or raging, skilled and respectful members in GeNo. And i rather GeNo because, BoZ is inactive much, YrN is only based for top 100 players and ppp hunters. Itami is scary is as i said (for pp, ppp hunters, and you need to be in top 100 i think). And i dont like custom map clans (USF, DGK, Hell hounds, Dark clan........). So this clan is interested me that (active members, skilled players, not need to be in top 100 and no ppp hunters). And i give it a try.

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Kill4Ever Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:16 pm

So you basically want to join GeNo because of how good we are.What if we were not good at all? What if we were terrible? Will you still apply? Also the fact that you joined Hell Hounds and then left it on the same day shows disloyalty.You also said that you left because no one was talking about funny things in the chat.What if we don't either? Will you quit?

IGN : Kill4Ever
Gender : Male Posts : 144
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Age : 19
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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:56 am

"So you basically want to join GeNo because of how good we are.What if we were not good at all? What if we were terrible? Will you still apply? Also the fact that you joined Hell Hounds and then left it on the same day shows disloyalty.You also said that you left because no one was talking about funny things in the chat.What if we don't either? Will you quit?

Answer: I would still join GeNo, because being active on forums, discord and (GeNo chatbox). And if you all were not good or terrible i would still join to GeNo because of you guys are active on forum and discord so we can talk to help each other about plazma burst 2 and practice daily then we can be strong again. And when no one was talking and making fun jokes, i can make some jokes on discord, and i try to talk when no one talk in chat.

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Kill4Ever Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:01 pm

But can't you just talk and train each other to get better in any other clan?

IGN : Kill4Ever
Gender : Male Posts : 144
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Age : 19
Location : San Francisco

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:11 pm

"But can't you just talk and train each other to get better in any other clan?"

Answer: Nah, because they wont listen im sure about that (BoZ, YrN, Itami) and also this is the only clan that people are good and respectful. And the some clans are dying, and GeNo is still active, has funny & good people in discord and still active forums & site. So this is the clan i was searching. I loved that staying with you guys.

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by Crumbz Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:47 pm

You don't have to become a strong and professional player like me to be one of us. We accept applicants based on honesty, Behavior and attitude. Would you also like to elaborate on Q.10 and Q.11? Otherwise good luck!

IGN : Faker
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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by DiORAM4 Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:11 am

If dont no problem! Im really honest and i played with some members, i really like this clan GeNo. Also im not a rager and my behaviour is good. Some of members know me now, im not raging and respectful. I want to be in GeNo family. Thanks

IGN : Diorama 4
Gender : Male Posts : 11
Points* : 3
Join Date : 2017-02-03
Location : Denmark

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

by CaptainSolo Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:00 am


IGN : CaptainSolo
Gender : Male Posts : 500
Points* : 450
Join Date : 2016-06-03
Age : 21
Location : Bulgaria

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DeniedRe: Diorama 4 #1

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