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S0RA #3

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VoidedS0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:52 am

First topic message reminder :

1. PB2 Username:S0RA

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links:
(You know that i have more accounts,but havent been used for a long time,i dont intend to use them anyway.)

4. How long have you played PB2?:3-4 years

5a. Kills Count:6 526

5b. Deaths Count:5 027

6. Are you currently in a clan?:no

7. What clans were you in after you left GeNo?:ExOduS

8. Why did you join those clans?:I created the clan,so i can see how it is to be a leader and seeing your clan grow.

9. Why did you leave GeNo?:i left GeNo to create exodus not any other special reason.

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to come back?:The clan died,besides that alex left so i couldnt handle the stress.And i missed you all.

11. [Critical] What would you contribute this time that you didn't contribute last time you were in GeNo?:More suggestions,helping in discussions/decisions regarding the clan.

12. [Critical] How did you display good behavior in GeNo? How did you display bad behavior in GeNo?:
I displayed good behavior by being loyal and respecting the clan's members.
I displayed bad behaviour by creating drama with a non-member and sometimes being immature.

13. [Optional] Current country/state of residence:Greece

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?:With school i wont be as active as before,90% in chat 80% in forums.

15. [Very Critical] In your own opinion, why should we accept you back into this clan?(From the clan's perspective):I was as loyal as i could and contributed as much as i could,if i make it into GeNo i will try my best to be more loyal and contribute more than before.

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test:i was first tested by ramires and passed i dont remember the score but i know that the test wasnt completed because the maximum score limit hadnt been reached,second time i was tested by puppy to become a tester,i didnt pass i dont remember the score either nor i have the screenshots.

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?:Yes,i do.

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?:I am applying for a member.

(P.S. i made a new acc in the forums because i couldnt access my old one,its probably disabled due to inactivity,tell jay/vlad to enable it if the can)
Official Member

IGN : BlazeItBirb
Gender : Male Posts : 130
Points* : 76
Join Date : 2016-09-13
Age : 22
Location : Greece

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:34 am

From the replies i got in this app i see that almost if not everyone feels betrayed.
1 member surrounded by so many members that feel betrayed due to that 1 member is just akward and makes me feel sh*t.

I am applying for boz,but dont think thats the reason i voided my app,if i get denied in boz i will apply in yrn since i got asked to.

Official Member

Posts : 130
Join Date : 2016-09-13

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Kneelfrox Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:41 am

You know you will get yourself denied if you apply in BoZ because you posted your plan if they deny you, you have second thoughts..
Official Member

IGN : Kneelfrox
Gender : Male Posts : 650
Points* : 551
Join Date : 2015-08-17
Age : 22
Location : Manila

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:48 am

you never know sometimes,i have more reasons to join BoZ that YrN thoe so.I will not tell the reasons here thoe.
Official Member

IGN : BlazeItBirb
Gender : Male Posts : 130
Points* : 76
Join Date : 2016-09-13
Age : 22
Location : Greece

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:55 am

I agree with Kneelfrox, you will get yourself denied because you are taking BoZ as a backup, same for YrN.


[Application Voided]
Reason: Applicant decided to void his application.
Reapply in 2 weeks from now if you wish to.

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