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S0RA #3

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VoidedS0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:52 am

1. PB2 Username:S0RA

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links:
(You know that i have more accounts,but havent been used for a long time,i dont intend to use them anyway.)

4. How long have you played PB2?:3-4 years

5a. Kills Count:6 526

5b. Deaths Count:5 027

6. Are you currently in a clan?:no

7. What clans were you in after you left GeNo?:ExOduS

8. Why did you join those clans?:I created the clan,so i can see how it is to be a leader and seeing your clan grow.

9. Why did you leave GeNo?:i left GeNo to create exodus not any other special reason.

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to come back?:The clan died,besides that alex left so i couldnt handle the stress.And i missed you all.

11. [Critical] What would you contribute this time that you didn't contribute last time you were in GeNo?:More suggestions,helping in discussions/decisions regarding the clan.

12. [Critical] How did you display good behavior in GeNo? How did you display bad behavior in GeNo?:
I displayed good behavior by being loyal and respecting the clan's members.
I displayed bad behaviour by creating drama with a non-member and sometimes being immature.

13. [Optional] Current country/state of residence:Greece

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?:With school i wont be as active as before,90% in chat 80% in forums.

15. [Very Critical] In your own opinion, why should we accept you back into this clan?(From the clan's perspective):I was as loyal as i could and contributed as much as i could,if i make it into GeNo i will try my best to be more loyal and contribute more than before.

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test:i was first tested by ramires and passed i dont remember the score but i know that the test wasnt completed because the maximum score limit hadnt been reached,second time i was tested by puppy to become a tester,i didnt pass i dont remember the score either nor i have the screenshots.

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?:Yes,i do.

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?:I am applying for a member.

(P.S. i made a new acc in the forums because i couldnt access my old one,its probably disabled due to inactivity,tell jay/vlad to enable it if the can)
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Domino Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:21 am

S0RA. Of all the GeNo members I kinda liked you the most. That doesn't mean i hate the others, but you were somehow "special".
Anyways. The application itself is well-made and proves effort. I know in what situation you were and can fully understand your past decision
to create a clan on your own.
Furtherhin I can understand you want to go back. Sure. We are your friends, no, your family. And I really appreciate your decision to step back into GeNo.

With that said, best of luck coming back and I think I don't have any questions.

[SORA left his clan today inbetween 2 and 3pm and removed his tag]

Begin the Questioning Phase

Last edited by Last Action Hero on Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : questioning phase)

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Adebayo Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:37 am

You left us to make your own clan. You tried for what? 3 weeks? It doesn't work out so you disband your clan and reapply back here in the same day. That's quite impulsive if you ask me. I say take a second, think about what it is that you really want because before in GeNo all you really did was spam the chat. So I suggest taking a moment to regroup and really thinking about what it is that you want, because I'm not sure you know the answer to that question.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:57 am

Thank you domino.

To be honest i dont even know myself that good either,there are curten things that i want to do but they turn out to be what i dont want to do and creating a clan was one of the ones i wanted to do,although it didnt turn out well and since that happened i put that in the list of things i dont want to do.Right now i think there is nothing else that i want to do that will make me to leave GeNo.(if i make it in)
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:18 pm

Can't say I didn't see this coming. Let me make a TL;DR of the cronological happenings:
You apply to GeNo, gets accepted. You leave GeNo saying that wanted experience on being a leader. A clan is created named ''JaDe'', which is already a copy to GeNo. A few weeks later, clan name changes to ExOdiUs, or whatever. Clan disbands and you return to GeNo.

Anyone who reads the first three can already say it wouldn't live for too long. You've tried to compare a fresh started JaDe, to the long living GeNo. You have to be a god to make new clans work in 2016, you have to have influences, be known, so people spread the word. And, as far as I know, you don't have either of these with you. I hope it wasn't a pure waste of time, and that you've learned with it. But, let's get done with this.

The way you have left GeNo leaves a big hole of questions, whether we should or not accept you back, if we accept you, will you do or not what you've done last time, and so on. The way you have left pretty much said you were using GeNo as a stair for your cause, and that you wouldn't need us anymore. Remember?
S0RA #3 14b7113f3bf04710bc60e0b44df36283

Apparently your stair broke half-way there, didn't it? The pressure was too strong, but I can't blame you.
I can't say much about the application on it's own, because you were already accepted once, you know what to type to make people happy. But there's one thing for sure, in the last application, you haven't mentioned how you wanted experience with GeNo to do something. You've never mentioned what you wanted, what your target was, your real target. By your resignation, I could tell what you really wanted, but what about now? What are your intentions? Is GeNo a new stair for you to get more and more knowledge for another secret project?

And, about Q.16, since there's no recent screenshot, you haven't been tested.

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 2:14 pm

The plan was to use GeNo's system so we could have a system and then create our own (recruiting,ranks),unfortunetly it didnt turn out as excpected.

At first i never thought of leaving GeNo,but one day it just came into my mind to make a new clan,a part of me was telling me to do it and the other not to,eventually i came to a conclusion that i should do what i wanted to.

There were a bounch of feelings i got when the clan was growing such as excitement and satisfactory,but when alex left i couldnt continue like i could when he was there,and by thinking about school and me managing a clan alone was just too stressful.As a result the clan was disbanded.

I made the mistake on making a clan on a game that had 1 foot on the grave and paid the price.
As i said to panik right now i dont want to do anything else in pb2 but just to join geno and stay,If you cant trust me then its fine.

I didnt want you guys to feel like i used you but it turnes out that some did.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Pimp Crystal Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:08 pm

SORA, I'm happy to see you coming back but though I WISH I can just insta accept you, I still will treat you like any other geno member.Why join GeNo again mate when their's a chance you could revive your clan and go to another clan, huh?
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:28 pm

My clan was on its way to the grave the moment it was made,reason being its creation on a game with 1 foot in the grave.I didnt want to join any other clan because i wouldnt feel like home like i did in GeNo.I got a request to join from YrN and DLN both were denied for the same reason.Either way i got some bros in this clan i like to hang out with.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:33 pm

So you do realize that, in the moment you created the clan, it was already half-dead, but not when you were resigning. Hmm, hmm, interesting.

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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:40 pm

Seeing how the clan pb2 forums ended up and the amount of players in pb2 ,i had a feeling but i rejected it.Not gonna give up without trying thoe.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Adebayo Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:13 pm

You're really trying hard to say all the things we want to hear. I don't buy it. Your immaturity and spamming of chat are just a few reasons why I don't think you fit here. You also have a tendency to do things in the moment, granted you're still a kid, but I need to see some growth in you.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:03 am

It's just how my brain works.This is how i see it.
There are some things that need maturity and some other things that dont.

Wether i  show maturity or not depends on wether what i do requires maturity or not.
Example:I think there should be more maturity shown in the forums than the chat.

The chat to me is a place where you can be yourself as long as you dont violate any of the chat rules.

Either way someone cant really be the same all the time,sometimes i am just bored so i just chill and some other times i am energetic and would like to do something that will be fun,since i am a kid the one thing thats easy for me to do that makes me have is being a little if not alot immature.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Adebayo Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:47 am

What's with the colors dude. It's an eye sore. Anyways, I'm not convinced. I speak for others when I say we felt a sense of betrayal when you used GeNo as a stepping stone for yourself to learn how to create your own clan. I don't buy your reasons for wanting to rejoin. Sorry.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:54 am

S0RA wrote:If you cant trust me then its fine.
It's only natural not to trust me after what i did,to be honest i would feel the same way.I never wanted anyone to feel betrayed but some if not all of you did.You dont have to apologize when i am obviously the one who should.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Kneelfrox Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:54 am

If you think your chance of getting accepted will be higher if you put some designs on your application then no. It's an eye sore.

You made a clan with Alex, well yes, we felt a betrayal that time. Like what panik said, you just Spam and acts immature in discord.

Since you can't lead your own clan by yourself, what will you do if the clan's activity goes down?

SORA wrote:11. [Critical] What would you contribute this time that you didn't contribute last time you were in GeNo?:More suggestions,helping in discussions/decisions regarding the clan.

It's pretty general, Suggesting and helping in discussion is already included as your responsibility, what else can you contribute? Do you have any special skills? (Ex; Youtubing,Map-making,Editing)

. Overall, good application. But i'll stay neutral for you.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:21 am

I already know that i just like making my app a little more colorful.

S0RA wrote:Wether i show maturity or not depends on wether what i do requires maturity or not.
Example:I think there should be more maturity shown in the forums than the chat.
The only spam i remember doing was some hours ago in the Bot commands.If i spammed some other time just tell me,so i can remember.

I would ask why its activity is going down adn just think of something that would help rise the clans activity.

besides the ones i mentioned i do have a youtube chanel and learn how to edit my vid after messing with my software a little.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Pimp Crystal Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:44 pm

I was a bit betrayed when you left to make a clan which lasted a few weeks.I am aggreeing with the others here so im not likein this.
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:12 am

I think rn i should take a hint that i am not welcome here.Therefore void my application.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Kneelfrox Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:15 am

You're always welcome here, but if you feel that way then i can't stop you. Though, i guess you changed your mind.

You're going to apply for BoZ.

And i've heard if you get yourself deny in BoZ, you already have a 3rd plan, you will apply for YrN.. What happened to you.

Last edited by Kneelfrox on Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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VoidedRe: S0RA #3

by Shady Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:34 am

From the replies i got in this app i see that almost if not everyone feels betrayed.
1 member surrounded by so many members that feel betrayed due to that 1 member is just akward and makes me feel sh*t.

I am applying for boz,but dont think thats the reason i voided my app,if i get denied in boz i will apply in yrn since i got asked to.
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IGN : BlazeItBirb
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