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Orange9000 #3

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DeniedOrange9000 #3

by Etheldon Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:56 am

1. PB2 Profile Link:

2. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state the usernames with their respective profile links: Splasheo - and Orange9000 -

3. How long have you played PB2?: Well total years of pb2 in my life over old accounts is probably 2 years.

4. Kills Count: 3,000 ( I Have alot more on splasheo and orange9000 accounts )

5. Deaths Count: 2,433

6. Are you currently in a clan? No.

7a. What clans have you been in before? [Legions] (My splasheo and orange9000 accounts still have the legions tag in them, but I mean to take it out since im the leader of legions and i decided to destroy it.)

7b. Why did you join those clans? I was lonely and wanted to make a clan in which I can make more friends and we can spread joy across PB2.

7c. [Optional] Do you have an approximate date about when you joined, and when you left these clans? I joined Legions about 2 weeks now and left about 2 days ago.

8. How did you find the forums? I had already knew about it from before.

9. Do you personally know anyone in GeNo? If yes, please state them: Pixelbyte, Dwayne, Spirit9871, Mingo1, Maxydude, Spyder, TY Q, Hatehackers, Domino and goofwall.

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo? I wish to join GeNo to have friends as it a family to have fun, laugh together, do many thing together and spread joy across the PB2 community and change it from a toxic community to a great friendly community.

11. [Critical] What can you help to contribute to GeNo? Decent map making skills. My level developer rating is not that good, but that's because I never really setup my own games of my maps on the server so people can play it.

12. [Critical] What do you believe defines a good player? What defines a bad player? A good player is a player who does not brag over silly things, helps others out in need, does not vote to exclude other players out of a match for no reason and encourages others to do better when they fail at something. A bad player is a player in which does the complete opposite of a good player, uses obscene language, spams chat, and calls others "trash" when he/she gets killed by them.

13. Current country/state of residence: Trinidad And Tobago

14. Discord Username (followed by ID #0000): Etheldon#8535 (I dont really use it)

15. How productive will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat? I play PB2 almost every day and I will pretty much have the discord chat open in another tab almost all the time I'm playing PB2 and every once in a while go to the discord tab to chat or see messages. I will be on forums about 3 - 4 times a week.

16. What server do you usually play in? California.

17. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test: No.

18. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility? I truely believe I can handle these responsibilities.

19. Are you applying for Member or Unofficial Member? Member.

20. Have you acknowledged the GeNociDe Manual? Yes.

21. Extra comments/questions: I know alot of people hate me for what I used to do, which was trash talk alot. I have decided to stop doing that stupid things and become as what I defined a good player. I have realized it is not good to hurt others feelings as you may not know what they may be going through in real life such as suicidal thoughts.

IGN : Etheldon
Posts : 10
Points* : 0
Join Date : 2017-07-22

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DeniedRe: Orange9000 #3

by Domino Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:06 am

Application Denied. Applicant failed to list his alternate account "iHop".

You may reapply in 14 days.

IGN : iDomino
Gender : Male Posts : 324
Points* : 289
Join Date : 2016-06-18
Age : 26
Location : Germany

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