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Bright*1 #iwanttodie

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VoidedBright*1 #iwanttodie

by bright Tue Dec 13, 2016 4:21 pm

1. PB2 Username: The Awakening

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective
Bright Light:
Real Crash:

4. How long have you played PB2? Since 2015-14? Around there.

5a. Kills Count: 6 979  
5b. Deaths Count: 5 088

6. Are you currently in a clan? No, I wouldn't be applying if i was.

7. What clans were you in after you left GeNo? Qualm, DLN, IV

8. Why did you join those clans?
Why did I join DLN? Well idk i thought I could make it better. It's basically a carbon copy of GeNo I wanted it to be unique and stand out. Put in effort and sooner or later take over the clan. I mostly joined DLN because I was mad at Maxy at the time and the Atlas project was a failure it was something I was really looking forward I even tried to persuade Jay into keeping ownership and rebuild GeNo as a whole. But things didn't go that way. And The Imperial Vanguard was a idea back with proth and dep it wasn't a serious thing, but proth joined BoZ dep and I decided to make the clan a official thing we thought it would be a fun thing to do have good members goo clan but no one really joined so it was just a group of people there with a dead chat.
Qualm I joined Because I was good friends with the people who were there and I enjoyed being around them..

9. Why did you leave GeNo? As I said in question 8 I was pretty pissed off at max and the whole Atlas project.

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to come back? Well this is my place of origin. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Spirit, trauma, ram, max and tugz. They're great people, good friends and I'd like to stay home what I mean is I want to stay where I first started which is GeNo. Plus Dwayne left he was a really good prestige and I want to make topics about this. I talked to Maxy and he realized what needed to be done and I'd like to support him and everyone here.

11. [Critical] What would you contribute this time that you didn't contribute last time you were in GeNo? Maybe think before I type something. Show more companion for my fellow members. Treat people nicer in general.

12. [Critical] How did you display good behavior in GeNo? How did you display bad behavior in GeNo? Good behavior was show by making appropriate responses to topics that needed to be dealt with. Bad behavior was show by how I worded what I was trying to get through.

13. [Optional] Current country/state of residence: Oregon m8

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?: Everyday 24/7

15. [Very Critical] In your own opinion, why should we accept you back into this clan?(From the clan's perspective) I'm no one to have a opinion on this subject. It's what each person thinks about me, each individual will pass their own judgement.

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test: No haven't been tested.

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?: As my good friend Carla would say "Things said on paper are almost never the same things someone actually does."

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?: Member
Prestige Member

IGN : v
Posts : 1204
Points* : 2050
Join Date : 2015-10-04
Age : 25

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by thesneakingninja Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:04 pm

How DARE you?

You left without resignation. You badmouthed us as a whole and advocated for a removal of all GeNo members in a chat. From personal experience, you made impulsive decisions against me because Arthur lied to you about me. You didn't even wait for my response. Also, because I got into an argument with the girl that you liked–even after SHE admitted fault, you just kicked me out because you were angry. You left THIS clan because you were angry. You've somehow attained the Prestige role, and thank god you've never had to deal with arguments in this clan with the extreme bias you base your decisions off of. You haven't even apologized to GeNo as a whole for any of this–I mean I just don't even see a single apology in this application. "maybe" think before you type and "show more companion" the 'maybe' and the typo are just indications of a lack of change. People in general don't change, and you're not an exception in the slightest. I'd accept you for who you are but you just cause trouble. These are all red flags that you'll run away from your wrongdoings instead of confronting them. It just seems like you'll cause more drama. According to other GeNo members, you've done more to GeNo that isn't just badmouthing. Honestly, it's just pathetic. If it were up to me I'd just ban you from the chat but you're lucky the people here are more forgiving.

IGN : Sneaky
Posts : 109
Points* : 98
Join Date : 2016-07-18
Age : 44

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by thesneakingninja Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:09 pm

I'd also like to point out that the title is incorrect–both in numeration and informality.

IGN : Sneaky
Posts : 109
Points* : 98
Join Date : 2016-07-18
Age : 44

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by Reloadium Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:19 pm

I'm very fucking dissapointed with you bright that not you disrespected GeNo.

But for the app, its good. What else can you contribute?
Prestige Member

IGN : Reloadium
Posts : 648
Points* : 458
Join Date : 2016-10-23
Location : GeNo HQ

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by bright Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:41 pm

Elite wrote:I'm very fucking dissapointed with you bright that not you disrespected GeNo.

But for the app, its good. What else can you contribute?

I can contribute with topics that need attention, from what I've heard this place is beginning to run slow. Also Dwayne left, a very important and good prestige member with him being gone and only like 4 active prestige sooner or later the council role will be terminated.
Prestige Member

IGN : v
Posts : 1204
Points* : 2050
Join Date : 2015-10-04
Age : 25

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by thesneakingninja Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:10 pm

Bright wrote:from what I've heard this place is beginning to run slow

I can't help but suspect that you're trying to convince us that we have a problem when in actuality we don't. So, let's just clarify. What have you heard about GeNo while you were gone, exactly?

IGN : Sneaky
Posts : 109
Points* : 98
Join Date : 2016-07-18
Age : 44

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by Ram Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:52 pm

I think Bright broke the record for most applications.
Unless you count M0D who applied with a billion account.

Why should we accept you after all the shit you did? After Ayano's promotion we've been doing fine. Thou we miss Wade, we are holding up.
Official Member

IGN : Ramires1
Posts : 863
Points* : 1112
Join Date : 2015-11-04
Age : 39
Location : Canadia

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VoidedRe: Bright*1 #iwanttodie

by maxydude0 Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:50 am

Bright has decided to void [Application Voided]
Official Member

IGN : Lord Maxydude0 #ESR
Gender : Male Posts : 1215
Points* : 2535
Join Date : 2015-10-02
Location : Florida

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