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SYnix #1

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DeniedSYnix #1

by Synixz Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:59 pm

1. PB2 Username: Synix

2. PB2 Profile Link:

3. Do you have any alternate accounts (accounts that you own or use, apart from the account you are applying with)? If yes, please state their usernames with their respective profile links:

4. How long have you played PB2?: 4 years

5a. Kills Count: 776

5b. Deaths Count: 216

6. Are you currently in a clan?: no

7a. What clans have you been in before?: YrN

7b. [Optional] Do you have an approximate date about when you joined, and when you left these clans?: N/A

8. Why did you join those clans?: for a new experience

9. Do you know anyone in GeNo? If yes, please state them: Marx, Betts, Tugz, Suzu

10. [Critical] Why do you wish to join GeNo?: seemed prestigous, also had a request to join, and another chance for a new experience

11. [Critical] What can you help to contribute to GeNo?: positive attitude and carefree nature

12. [Critical] What do you believe defines a good player? What defines a bad player?: good player: a calm nature, skilled, and very catious and precise. Bad player: one who cant think straight and is all over the place constantly throwing insults

13. Current country/state of residence: Florida

14. How active will you be on GeNo forums and Discord Chat?: 5/w

15. What server do you mostly play in?: Cali

16. Have you been tested? If yes, please state who tested you, and please provide screenshot proof of the combat test: no

17. [Very Critical] By applying to GeNo, you will show the utmost respect to your fellow clan members and leaders, as well as to players outside of this clan. This includes being honest about your application and your answers during each phase, and with others concerning your actions. Failure to do so will result in severe consequences, such as dismissal from the clan. If in any case, you wish to leave GeNo, you must sign out a resignation form to confirm your leaving. If you do not fill it in, we have every right to say we kicked you out of the clan. There are codes of conduct that must be followed if you are going to represent our clan. Do you believe you can handle this responsibility?: Positively

18. Are you applying for Member or Trial Member?:trial

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by loki Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:33 pm

Ah, Synix applied. Good to see ya. I never would've thought that you would apply to GeNociDe. Well, Carla is probably gonna deny you for a very obvious reason i can't find, so ill just say this: You never answered question 3, and i wanna know why you left YRN.
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Marx Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:18 pm

Nice to hear that u noticed panik and me requesting you to join, most of the luck, i dont have no problems with your application, since i know your attitude and skill in game, it perfectly fits here, in my opinion, Good luck! Smile
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by maxydude0 Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:52 pm

"The following is the Application Template for applying to GeNo. Read through it carefully and answer every single question here, even if the answer to some of the questions is: "No." Failure to do so will lower your chances of being accepted" I felt like that had to be reminded since you skipped a question. It shouldve been the first thing you read in the template topic. I believe Question #10 and #11 need some improvement, please elaborate on them. Why did you leave YRN? Overall I felt this application was either possibly rushed or could've been done better.
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Guest Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:44 am

Edited title to ''Application of SYnix #1'', since this is your first application.
I must ask you to answer each one of the questions, with the maximum detail possible; Your responses will increase or decrease your chance of being accepted.
I'll be waiting for your answer to Question n.3, along with possible alts, if you do have them.

To begin with, I'd like you to elaborate for me, the reason why you've left YrN. I'm sure no one simply leaves a clan, a guild, a job or a relationship when everything is alright, there is always that factor to contribute negatively into your decisions. Among those lines, I'd also like you to try and explain me, why GeNo is the right option, why do you believe it doesn't have the reason why you've left.

Still revolving around the topic of clans, you've stated the only joined YrN to have a new experience. What was the result of your experience? What have you learned? What were the pros and cons that you found for being in YrN? Was that experience worth your investment of time? If there was something you could change, what would it be?

Regarding Question n.10, who asked you to join GeNo? And, what exactly do you mean with ''Prestigious''? Could you elaborate your answer better?

In Question n.11, you mention that you can offer positive attitude. Are you implying that our attitude is negative, therefore you can help us improve that point? Either your answer is yes or no, our attitude is just fine, and you don't have what we seek. What exactly do you mean with ''Carefree nature''? Could you elaborate your answer to question n.11 better?

Question n.12, let me tell you something; In League of Legends, when one of the 5 players are constantly walking to other lanes, being top, mid, the jungle or the bot lane, applying pressure around the map, helping out their teammates to get stronger, the enemy team often say ''He is all over the place''. That isn't necessarily a bad player, but a good, well-versed and skilled player, in the game. What we want with this question, is an universal answer. What would be a good player, in any game? What would be a bad player? How would both act? How would their attitude reflect on others? Could you elaborate your answer better, another time?
-- You mention another time the nature word, trying to create an association with the state of mind. I'd like you to explain to me what is the purpose of this nature within the players, and how that could help others to become better, not only as a player, but as a person.

As a final judgement, I'd like to say that your performance with the application and your first answers weren't the most satisfactory, but hopefully your answers will change how most members feel.

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Pimp Crystal Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:04 pm

The reason joining GeNo is to be honest and level with you, very weak and needs improvement.I was gonna say exactly what Max and Carla said so no need of me repeating what they said.Joining us because Marx and Panik invited you is weak seeing that 1.What if everyone else doesn't feel welcome.2.I have this feeling you're clan hopping.That's mainly it.Joining GeNo because it seems prestigious and it's a new experience is like I said, very weak.Why not join say BoZ or re-join YrN again if that's all your seeking for.Is there anything more you can contribute to GeNo such as video editing and etc..?All in all in my view, this app could use some more detail and improvment.I apologize in advance if this was rude/harsh but it is how I feel about this app and well yea.(pls no h8)

Since no one else has told you, DO NOT EDIT YOUR APPLICATION!
Doing so will result in an instant denial.
Just saying that if you didn't know that and if you did know then this will be a reminder for you.

Good luck trying to get in GeNo!
Pimp Crystal
Pimp Crystal

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Domino Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:52 am

Idk if it's been mentioned, but why do you state yourself to be playing 4 years if your ID is from 2015/16 and there are no alternates?

IGN : iDomino
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Guest Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:14 am

The applicant will have until the 7th to answer all the questions, or the application will be denied.

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Marx Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:00 pm

He made a new app where he answered all the questions, by the way he didnt know the process of answering the application.
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Synixz Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:40 pm

seems to be my answers were quite general and vulgar. allow me to further expand.

#3 alternate account is the dark blade

one of the main reasons i joined YrN was because it had been long since i had been in a clan and yrn seemed to have pretty good players. basically without i clan i just found myself to be a random. so i joined. but through further inspection i found out it was extremely hard to communicate with the others, being i was brand new. mostly ignored. i barely had known anyone there. i feel as though conversations are an important part of a clan, if not the most important. It was found to be a waste of my time and left the clan respectfully. sure i was back to being a random, but at least it was better than being in a clan without actually being part of the clan.

with joining GeNo-the most deadly weapon to be successful is communication i say. Having a consistent group of team mates allows to establish that communication. Being a part of a like minded group that has good communication. more than any other clan members in my vicinity. i do have talks and chats with geno members and have very much fun doing so. some of us also share similar play styles and give and recieve complements. people like marx, panik, tugz and the others. Clans are a framework for friendship. With This particular clan I can always find teammates who will have my back easily and I can always be sure of good company.

What can i offer to GeNo?
Add another person members in GeNo can look up to. Oh you see that guy Synix, i like him. he is such a great person, i wanna be like him. One guy who finds a flaw in himself or clan and do his best to rectify the problem. Continues to push through boundaries to better himself and be the best he can be.Another member to communicate with and respect others opinions with the right attitude.Virtues of a magnificent player.

What defines a Good/ Bad player.
when one looks at a good player. they see one who is both physically skillful (game-wise) and mentally skillful. One who always finds another way to make himself better. One who doesnt pay attention to opposition trying to bring him down, they only increase his motivation. One who takes responsibility for the mistakes he/she commits precisely. studies his or her opponent and plays his cards just correctly to bring them down. technical and always stays focused on the main goal ahead. A bad player has no motive to learn or adapt. believes in the superiority of their own knowledge. one who blames defeats on external factors.makes mistakes regular and even though aware. will not make an effort to correct the problem, manipulated by his or her who encroaches on the fun of others. throws insults. lack of situational awareness and does not and will not take criticism.

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Domino Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:27 pm

Synix wrote:3 alternate account is the dark blade
Why didn't you mention that in the application? Shows me lack of effort.
Anyways. In what you can offer you shall not talk about how great you'd be for us. Respect and loyal attitude in honor, but do you think that is enough to join us?
The first answer regarding your intention to join GeNo is well done, nothing to say against that. And you also did well on the Good/Bad Player answer.
No more questions at this point.


IGN : iDomino
Gender : Male Posts : 324
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Age : 26
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Synixz Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:51 pm

possibly an introduction to a unique playing style may be another addition

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:55 pm

Domino wrote:
Synix wrote:3 alternate account is the dark blade
Why didn't you mention that in the application? Shows me lack of effort.
Anyways. In what you can offer you shall not talk about how great you'd be for us. Respect and loyal attitude in honor, but do you think that is enough to join us?
The first answer regarding your intention to join GeNo is well done, nothing to say against that. And you also did well on the Good/Bad Player answer.
No more questions at this point.

Looking for the small details instead of looking at the big picture, is something you would be angry about it. Like, imagine that you made a portrait and some recipient tells you "you made a small error, this portrait is trash".

Anyway, let's come back to our topic, the application.

Hello Synix, I'm very glad to see you apply. I think you found the best place to be apart of, like I told you last time when I invited you to join. Application itself is fine and well-made. Your answers are pretty attractive. You seemed very silent and calm in game. I have no questions. Good luck my friend.

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by loki Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:32 pm

i remember the dark blade had a nickname like "***** consumed the dark blade"
Anyway, with your app: your alt acc has a website that goes to a clan site called iRekT. Why didnt you list that as a clan you were in? also your acc id doesnt match the date you joined, but it might be just me.
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Synixz Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:23 pm

YrN had been the first clan i joined since i can remember so i must have forgotten about i rekt. and i would have added another alt but i couldnt remember the name. i believe it was nicholas Occonor or something. this indeed was my first account, but since i cant properly remember the name, so i decided not to add it to my alts.

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by loki Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:02 pm

Synixz wrote:YrN had been the first clan i joined since i can remember so i must have forgotten about i rekt. and i would have added another alt but i couldnt remember the name. i believe it was nicholas Occonor or something. this indeed was my first account, but since i cant properly remember the name, so i decided not to add it to my alts.

What time did you join iReKt?
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IGN : Pixelbyte
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Synixz Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:31 pm

around the 2013 mark

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by loki Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:39 pm

Synixz wrote:around the 2013 mark
I doubt YRN Existed that time, but k.
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IGN : Pixelbyte
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by Synixz Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:57 pm

iRekt was in 2013
YrN was during the summer of 2016

IGN : Synix
Posts : 8
Points* : 6
Join Date : 2016-10-02

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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

by loki Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:12 pm

Synixz wrote:iRekt was in 2013
YrN was during the summer of 2016
k, mb.

imma stop commenting on ur app, lmao.
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IGN : Pixelbyte
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DeniedRe: SYnix #1

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